On April 1st 2011 a memorial plaque was unveiled at the Schubert Primary School in memory of the Jewish teachers and pupils who were expelled from the school following the "Anschluss" in 1938. In particular, the plaque remembers religious education teacher Gotthold Antscherl (08.04.1891 - 21.08.1942), whose humorous and interesting lessons had a special place in the memory of survivors of the Shoah from the school. Antscherl and his family were murdered in Maly Trostinec (near Minsk).
The memorial plaque was made possible through a joint initiative between the school and the project "Servitengasse1938", as well as through the support of the local district council. The 100 or so guests at the unveiling ceremony were greeted by school director Mrs. Emmett and Head of the Council Martina Malyar. We were honoured that former pupils Ari Rath and David Paul Singer were able to take part in the ceremony and do the actual unveiling of the plaque.
The high point of the ceremony, which was accompanied by music from Roman Grinberg, was the participation of current pupils at the school. Each pupil had written a sentence fitting for the occasion and read this out whilst lighting a candle. This report closes with Antonia's sentence: "I light a candle so that every person may be allowed their own language, culture and religion."